
Friday, February 15, 2013

Tama from Across the Pond - QR Codes (and a freebie!)

Hi y'all! Today I've got Tama from Across the Pond guest blogging for me about a topic I thoroughly enjoy... QR Codes! I hope y'all enjoy and visit Tama often after you've read this post! Make sure to leave her some love and let her know where you found her at!


Across the Pond

Hi Everyone! Salut from Across the Pond in Paris, France. This is my very first guest blog write up and I am super excited to blog for you on Miss Ventrella's Busy Bees.

I am eager to share with you all about QR Codes. Just exactly what are these mystery codes and what do they have to do with the classroom?? I would read so many posts about them, and just wave them away, thinking not for me. Well, I finally took a bit of time to read what they were, did some pinterest searches and I was sold!! .... and kicking myself for not embracing it sooner. These QR Codes which stand for  "Quick Response" are fabulous for engaging students and bringing a bit of technology into your classroom in an easy way.

These codes are super easy to create. Click here to take you to a link to create the codes. You can decide to do a code for a website, email, text, etc. Then upload the scanner app to your mobile device, IPad, tablette, and voilá! you have another engaging way to reach your students. I have two scanner apps on my phone, the Kaywa Reader and the QR Reader. They both work well. Sometimes the QRR Reader doesn't read the scan so I just switch to the other program. Here is the link to the Kaywa Reader App. Here is the link to the QRReader App. Both are free!!

Here is a link to a post of some ways teachers are using these QR Codes in their classrooms. The possibilities are endless - treasure hunts, parents evenings, sight words, shape activities, grammar treasure hunt. Even the students could create their own activities with the QR Code maker. There are some activities on pinterest but it remains to be seen how wide and far this could become.

I leave you with a number sequence activity that has QR codes for self-checking. Click here to get this freebie.

 I hope you enjoyed this post and you are invited to come over and check out my blog if you are interested. 


Thanks, Tama, for the fantastic post about QR codes! I hope you enjoyed and can use the sequencing activity she provided in your own classrooms!

Have a good day, y'all!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A-Z Of Teacher Me!

Hi everybody! I'm linking up with Ash from The Polished Teacher for her first ever linky party titled "A-Z Of Teacher Me!"

Here's the rules for this linky:
1. Add the A-Z of Teacher Me image linking back to the post on Ash's blog.
2. Add her button linking back to her blog.
3. Follow Farley's rule of 3 to share the love (comment on 2 before, 1 after).
4. Share as little or as much as you want.
5. Have fun and meet friends!

So, here goes!

A: App
Instagram! Jumped on the bandwagon a little late but it's the perfect way to document day to day things via pictures. Love it.

B: Book Character
I love little Skippyjon. He's one funny character!

C: Clip Art
The following ladies are my go-to gals for clipart. Of course I have more that I use, but these are the main 5!



From top to bottom (and left to right)
Ashley, Nikki, Mel, Corinna, and Tanja
Five FANTASTIC artists.

D: Dollar Spot Find
OH golly... I go to that dollar spot TOO often. But, my fav dollar spot find is probably the stickers. I'm a sticker hoarder so that's my fav!

E: Essential to Start Day
My phone. It's not a normal day if I don't check my e-mails first thing in the morning - makes the day go smoother!

F: Font
Probably ABCTeacher, KG Skinny Latte, KG Call Me Maybe, and any Hello fonts!

G: Game
Tag or hide and seek. Can never get too old for any of those games!

H: Holiday
Christmas. It's my favorite time of the entire year. The decorations, the celebrations, the family gatherings, the food... I love it all!

I: Ice Cream
Cookie dough. With caramel. Extra caramel!!

J: Jewelry Piece
My promise ring and my sentiment ring that Cody has the other half to. And my two bracelets. You will never see me without these 4 pieces of jewelry on UNLESS I am doing the dishes or working out. Then you might see me without them! I also love my Pandora bracelet, but don't wear it as often!

K: Kid-ism
Oh man.. I don't have any! I love reading them though... :)

L: Location to Travel
New Jersey will always hold my heart. We went back before Jersey Shore became the show and the huge tourism came about. Love Wildwood! Those long beautiful beaches.. ahh so perfect!

M: Management Technique
Get something out, put it away! Not so much a HUGE management technique, but it gets the job done and keeps things organized!!

N: Nail Polish
Oh man... probably OPI or Essie.

O: Open House Idea
I haven't had an open house yet, so I don't have very many ideas! But, I would love to put little apples on the door for parents to take to help our classroom out - supplies we might need, ideas for holiday parties, etc!

P: Pinterest Find
HAHA if you know me, you know I'm a Pinterest addict. If they had AA for Pinterest, I'd be in it... you can find all my pins here, but my all time FAVORITE pins are probably the ones on my funny board... see below:

Q: Quote
"You is kind. You is smart. You is important." - Abilene from The Help

R: Read-Aloud
Love Miss Madeline! I grew up on her and I love reading her to my kiddos!

S: School Supply
Sharpies!!! Post-it Notes!!! Paperclips!! School supply hoarder right here!

T: TPT/TN Product
Impossible. I love TPT sooo much that my wish list is up to 400 products and my sellers followed is up to 744!! Wild child, I am!

U: Un-official Hobby
Scrapbooking, stamping, and making wreaths. Love my craft time - hence my need for my craft room! I also pin on Pinterest... that's a hobby, right?

V: Video Brain Break
Ohh man... there's too many, but probably the Penguin Dance by Jack Hartmann!

W: Way to Spend a Day
Lounging around watching TV, crafting, and blogging! 

X: X-tra Special Blogs
I honestly cannot list this... there are SOOO many bloggers out there that I love that I will not be able to list, but rather say that I love y'all! :)

Y: Yummy Dessert
Brownies or cookie cake! Ahhh sooo delicious and making me crave right now!

Z: Zoo Animal
Elephant, hands down!
Widdle baby elephant <3

Head on over to Ash's blog by clicking the button below or the picture at the top to link up, too!

Have a good night, y'all!

Friday, February 1, 2013

February Currently & A Sale!

Holy cannoli! It's already February 1st!! Where the heck did January go?! I guess time flies by when you're having fun... :)

Anyways, time to link up with Farley over at Oh Boy, 4th Grade for Currently! Here goes nothin'!

Listening: self explanatory!

Loving: we live in Mobile, Alabama - the weather has been GORGEOUS. Just the right temperature to keep the windows open!

Thinking: I had some cookie cake after dinner for a treat and I'm really craving some more... bad sweet tooth, bad!!

Wanting: I cannot WAIT to have the craft room complete. Of course, pictures will follow :)

Needing: I'm falling behind on classwork this semester.. it's not as fun as last semester! I also signed up for a V-day card swap so I need to get on that :) cannot wait to see the finished products!

Pet Peeves: I hate HATE hate when people lie - why not tell the truth and have me mad at you for that rather than tell a lie and have me be mad at you for lying AND for what you did??? GRR. I hate when people promise things and then break it - like I promise to call you, and then don't. Or, I promise to hang out today, but they don't. That leads into bailing on plans - don't agree to do something if you're not going to or you don't want to - just say no!! Simple as that. RANT over. :)

What are you CURRENTLY listening, loving, thinking, wanting, needing, and pet peeving!? Link up with Farley so I can find out!

Oh ya... there's going to be a big ol' sale on Sunday that many TPT stores will be participating in! Some are doing the sale for the BIG Super Sunday only and others are doing it for Sunday and Monday. TPT themselves are only hosting the sale for a day - SUNDAY!

I'm going to be participating for BOTH days - Sunday only, you will receive up to 28% off your purchases (with promo code SUPER). On Monday, I'll still have my entire store on sale for 20% off. Don't miss out on this sale!!

To be taken to my store, click on the picture below. 
Credit to Ashley Hughes (The School Supply Addict) for the cute button! If you're in the market for some clipart, you've gotta check her out here!

That's all I've got for ya!!

Have a good night & weekend, y'all!