Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wishlist Sale {#4} - 35% Off Today Only!

Welcome to the Back to School Wishlist Sale! It will run from July 31st to August 4th.

Each day, a new product will be featured from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM  and it will be 35% for that day only! So, grab it while ya can because you won't see the price on these this low again for a LONG time!!

I'm going from my #5 most wish-listed product to my #1 most wish-listed product. Who knows, maybe one of the FIVE products will be something you've had your eye on!

Today's wish-list sale product:

My Mitten Themed Noun, Adjective & Verb Sort is 35% off today, August 1st.

In this pack, you'll get 72 different word cards (24 per part of speech) and three mittens with noun, verb, and adjective written on them (the parts of speech cards). Students take each word card and sort them by placing the cards on the correct part of speech mitten! There is also a worksheet for self-assessment or for formal assessment purposes.
So, head on over to my TPT store and pick up my Mitten Themed Noun, Adjective & Verb Sort today for 35% off, which makes it only $1.00!!

Go, hurry!

Finally, check out the sales going on at the other fabulous bloggers' blogs that are participating in the sale, too! They're doing something similar... maybe the same percentage, maybe not! Head on over to check them all out:
Flying into First Grade  First Grade and Flip Flops  

See y'all tomorrow for my #3 most wish-listed item! :)

PS. Thank you to Tamara for this fantastic idea!! Love you, friend!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wishlist Sale {#5} - 35% Off Today Only!

Welcome to the Back to School Wishlist Sale! It will run from July 31st to August 4th.

Each day, a new product will be featured from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM  and it will be 35% for that day only! So, grab it while ya can because you won't see the price on these this low again for a LONG time!!

I'm going from my #5 most wish-listed product to my #1 most wish-listed product. Who knows, maybe one of the FIVE products will be something you've had your eye on!

Today's wish-list sale product:

My Graphic Organizers for the Classroom Pack is 35% off today, July 31st.

In this pack, you'll get 22 different graphic organizers, some with beginning/middle/end features, cause and effect organizers, flow charts, and so many others! I also threw in a variety of ideas on how to use the graphic organizers in your classroom but of course, you do not have to use them in this fashion. Just some ideas :)
So, head on over to my TPT store and pick up my Graphic Organizers for the Classroom Pack today for 35% off, which makes it only $3.25... that's only 15 cents per graphic organizer page!!

Go, hurry!

Finally, check out the sales going on at the other fabulous bloggers' blogs that are participating in the sale, too! They're doing something similar... maybe the same percentage, maybe not! Head on over to check them all out:
Flying into First Grade  First Grade and Flip Flops  

See y'all tomorrow for my #4 most wish-listed item! :)

PS. Thank you to Tamara for this fantastic idea!! Love you, friend!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Dog Days of Summer Giveaway & Hop!

Hey y'all! With the endless heat, the endless rain, and the endless to-do list I've got... I wanted to do something FUN! SO, when Teresa e-mail me, the "founder/owner" of Teaching Blog Roundup (the collaborative blog I am part of), and asked if I wanted to participate in a fun summer giveaway & blog hop, I jumped right up on it!
{Graphic credits go to Michelle @ The 3AM Teacher}

So, here's the scoop.

First, head on over to Teaching Blog Roundup by clicking the image above and enter yourself into the giveaway to win 14 prizes! Yup, 14 different authors are giving at least ONE thing away :) now, who wouldn't want to go shoppin' at 14 different stores with BTS upon us?!

Once you've done that, start hoppin' by goin' through the linky below! Many authors are either offering a sale at their TPT store, a freebie, or both!

What am I offering??
I am offering both. First, my ENTIRE store is 15% off from today (Friday) until Sunday.

As for my freebies, I'm going to point you over to a couple of blog posts over at Teaching Blog Roundup where I was the author for the day AND I gave away some freebies. Click the pictures below to be taken to their respective posts.
While you're over there, check out some other posts and go ahead and follow us! The authors over there are just AWESOME and I'm so happy to be part of such a great group of teachers.

What ya waitin' for? START HOPPIN'!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Summer Reading Sunday - {Breathe & Because of Low}

Hey y'all! It's time for my first ever Summer Reading Sunday! I haven't really kept up with this day as part of my Super Summer Schedule but I have finished two books (one of which I started AND finished last night - up until 4:00 AM!) so I wanted to tell you about them :)
So, in the summer, I read those novels that aren't "school related" - rather, it's pleasure reading. n Goodreads, I put in some books I read and it suggested some that I might like. BOY, were the suggestions right on with these two books.

Both books I read were written by author Abbi Glines. Abbie Glines is originally from Alabama, which is where the series I'm currently reading is set in - Sea Breeze, Alabama (along the gulf coast). She actually now lives across the bay from where I live, which is pretty awesome!

Anyways, she's got a few series of books but I'm reading the "Sea Breeze Series."

From looking at the covers, you can tell they're some fancy schmancy love stories - and they are. BUT I feel like they're so much more.

Cue the stories I have read already as part of this series.

WARNING: These books have a few "scenes" in them that are, I believe, inappropriate for anyone younger than 18.. it almost reminds me of 50 Shades of Gray. You've been warned before you go and check out these books. JUST SAYIN'!

GENRE: YA Contemporary Romance
"Breathe" introduces us to the city of Sea Breeze, Alabama, where Sadie must take the place of her mother, as she's pregnant and can no longer be a servant for a wealthy family on the private island nearby.

Sadie arrives at the house and realizes that it's Jax Stone's house... cue the music! Jax Stone is one of the biggest teen rockers in the world and is a total heartthrob. But, to Sadie, Jax is just Jax... nothing special. Yet.

Sadie isn't attracted to him and keeps her cool while Jax is completely smitten with her. But, because Jax is a world famous rockstar, he tries to fight the ensuing relationship with Sadie, as relationships never work out in his world. But, as summer continues, Jax finds it harder and harder to stay away from Sadie.

Sadie is his source of oxygen and he cannot go without her any longer... BUT can their love outweigh the obstacles they must face?

Cue the tagline:
One breathe at a time, they're going to find out...

My thoughts:
LOVED the book. It was a quick read, the plot unfolds rapidly, including lots of twists and turns which tug at your heartstrings and makes you go, "NOOOO!" or "YESSSS!" I would recommend this book for upper YA and above simply because of the "scenes" that happen in the book. BUT I would totally read the story again in a heart beat.

GENRE: YA Contemporary Romance
"Because of Low" is centered around three main characters, Cage, Willow (or Low), and Marcus (yup... the same Marcus from the first story. I'm not going to tell you the story about him... gotta read the first book!).

Cage is a playboy that lives in an apartment all by himself. He's continuously going out with girls, hosting a new one every night. But, when Marcus moves in, the story takes a dramatic turn. He's just there to mend his broken heart (again, read the first story!). But, one woman Cage knows catches his eyes.

Cue Willow. Willow is the one who Cage says he's going to married, but the two couldn't be more opposite. Marcus believes that she's nuts to put up with all of Cage's antics and decides what she really needs is a real man... cue Marcus.

But that's going to get real complicated and real messy - real fast.

My thoughts:
Again, I LOVED the book. All of Abbi Glines' books seem to be quick reads with plots that unfold quickly and interestingly. Another book that includes lots of twists and turns which tug at your heartstrings and makes you go, "NOOOO!" or "YESSSS!" I would, again, recommend this book for upper YA and above simply because of the "scenes" that happen in the book. BUT I would totally read the story again in a heart beat.

I cannot WAIT to finish "While It Lasts," which I started last night. So far, so good!

It deals with Cage as the main character and a new character named Eva. Sooo ready to read it :)

What books have YOU read recently? Do you have any suggestions for me?! I'm always looking for new books and new series of books to read.

If you're on GoodReads, I'd love for ya to come join me by following! Click the button below. Again, I'm always lookin' for books so I'd love to connect.
See y'all tomorrow for Monday Made It - cannot wait to see what everyone makes!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Something... GIVEAWAY with First Grade Teacher Lady!

**Teacher Product Tuesday will resume next week**

Hey y'all! I'm here to present you all to Miss Autumn from First Grade Teacher Lady who is soon to be a MRS.!!!
To celebrate, she asked if I wanted to team up to do a "Something Themed Giveaway" and boy, I hopped right on! So, what can you win?

Something old, Autumn has donated her "Dolch Sight Words Sweet Treat"
Something new, you'll get a $15 Target gift card (Dollar Spot, anyone??)
Something borrowed, I have donated my "Landform Poster Pack & Activity Unit"
Something blue, you'll get a blue chevron infinity scarf from Stuffed Full of Love

So, what are ya waitin' for?! Help us celebrate by entering the rafflecopter below :) The giveaway will last ONE week - so get your entries in quick!

When it asks "What # follower are you?" for the TPT questions, if you already follow - just put "already following!" - TPT has no way to show what number follower you were :)

See y'all tomorrow for Wild Card Wednesday featuring a recipe we tried here at our house!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Made It - {Sparkly Desk Bell}


It's been a busy couple of weeks and I've got a lot of things done - finished two summer courses last Friday, spent a couple of days with my sister the weekend before that, and worked on getting resumes and cover letters ready for all the schools within my district for interview time!! :)

It's been a little while since I participated in my own Super Summer Schedule BUT I'm back and on track!

So, now it's time for Monday Made It with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics!
This week, I intended to make a couple of things. But, kind of got caught up so I'm going to show you my ONE Monday Made It!
I'm part of a new group here in my town called Bunco Babes. I've never, ever played Bunco in my life, but a bunch of us military gals are going to get together and play at least once a month. I am SO excited and cannot wait to learn this fantastic game as well as meet a bunch of other great women.

But, since I'm hosting with another gal, we realized we needed some kind of bell or noise maker or something to make noise with when someone claims BUNCO! So what did I do?

I went out and got a desk bell, some rhinestones, and got to work!


Oh yeah! How awesome, huh? Granted, it's not as great as all those ones out there, but it's something I did! Woohoo! I'm thinking I'm going to take it into my classroom, too. Incorporate it some way or another. Any ideas?

So, what did you make this week?? Head over to Tara's blog and link up for the Monday Made It!

Promise next week I'll have some more projects :)

I'll see y'all tomorrow for Teacher Product Tuesday!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Blog Swap Sunday - Amy from Teaching in Blue Jeans!

TIME for Blog Swap Sunday with Miss Amy from Teaching in Blue Jeans!

Amy came up with the idea of Blog Swap Sunday and I hoped right on the train! I loved the idea of giving up my blog for a day to go guest blog at someone else's blog while THEY came to mine! Cool, huh? So, here's Amy!
Teaching In Blue Jeans
Hi, I am Amy the teacher/blogger behind Teaching in Blue Jeans.  First, before you judge me let me say that I do NOT get to teach in blue jeans everyday.  I wish I did, but not so much.  But I do love me some blue jeans.  One day as I was thinking about my beloved blue jeans I started thinking about why I loved them so much: they are comfortable, oh so comfortable; I can dress them up or down which means they are versatile; and most importantly I just feel like myself in them.  When I wear blue jeans I find that I am more willing to try something new or take a risk, more likely to have fun and be silly, more likely to focus and work hard (probably because I am not tugging at hose or thinking about my aching feet (but shoes - that's another blog post entirely)).  Somehow in my brain I went from thinking about all the reasons I love blue jeans to concluding that "the blue jean feeling" is exactly how I want my classroom to be.  I want me students to be comfortable and feel like themselves.  I want them to be willing to work hard, try something new, take risks, have fun and be silly.  So there you have it - my Blue Jean Mentality and the idea behind Teaching in Blue Jeans!

Today I would like to talk to you about the Power of a First Impression.  In high school, I was a cheerleader and my sponsor's favorite thing to quote to us was "You never have a second chance to make a first impression."  At the time it made sense, now that I have 20+ years of life to look back on I know how very true it is.  During my teaching career I have thought about this phrase and about how very true it is.  Like it or not, right or wrong, people make snap judgments in a matter of seconds.  As a teacher I feel like that first impression goes a long way into setting the stage for how my year will go, at least in the minds of my parents and students.  Today I would like to share with you some ideas on how to make a great first impression and get your year off to a great start!

My first impression comes on Meet the Teacher Night.  On this hot Thursday evening, 3 days before the start of school, lots of eager and nervous students and parents come to meet me.  If I'm rushed, unorganized or grumpy, imagine the feeling and first impression they leave with.  I do everything I can to make the students excited to come back and let the parents know that for 7 hours a day their child is in great hands.  Here's some ideas.

1.  Mental Preparation
During my 5 years of teaching I have taught 5 grade levels and been at 3 different schools (although my first year was teaching 3 grade levels at one time).  In that short of time that amounts to a lot of firsts.  My first goal was to make sure that I felt prepared for the task at hand.  Was I ready and confident for the entire year - No Way!  I had to feel comfortable with the school and policies so that during that first impression meeting, I could confidently answer questions or lead people to someone who could.  I also had to make sure that I was taking care of myself.  I will admit that I am the worst at using most of my summer to stress and work for the next year.  It hasn't always worked out so well for my personal well-being and my family time.  I have even finished summer already stressed out and exhausted.  This summer I have really worked at balance and I have to say I am enjoying my summer time more than every before and I feel great!  Make sure to take time for yourself and be mentally read for the year to come.  Some of my favorite ways:  family time, pamper yourself  (pedicure and massage are my favorites), read a good book, take a nap!

2.  Room Preparation
I think we live in a very visual society and I believe that much of that first impression comes from what we see.  (Yes, I know its wrong to do that - but that doesn't make it not true.)  I work very hard to make my classroom look inviting, stimulating, and overall like a fun place to be.  I have received no better compliment than for an adult to say "I wish I could be in your class" or "I wish my kindergarten teacher had a room like this."  Although its great to hear that from an adult these are the things I actually do for the kids!  As a kindergarten teacher one of my goals for Meet the Teacher / First Day of School is to make my kids excited to come back!  For the adults, I want my room to look organized, safe and purposeful.  Now I will be the first to admit that I spend a lot of time getting my room ready.  I will also admit that I am a perfectionist and I want everything to be just right.  But, I know that I am not the only one out there.  Here's a few pictures from my Meet the Teacher night last year.

The hallway outside my classroom.  Welcome to Kindergarten
banner and then each students name on a card.
Sorry for the blurry picture.  Class list next to the
door and a little reminder note for the parents.

Walking in to the classroom here is your first view. 
Each student had a balloon tied to their chair with their name
written on it nice and big.  It really helped the parents find the
right table and the kids LOVED this!  Went a long way to
building excitement.

Notice here that not everything is out - empty book shelf and
most of those containers are empty too.   But I thought it looked
better than empty shelves.

This was my finishing detail on the side of the filing

3.  Be Organized
Unfortunately there is much more to do at Meet the Teacher than just meet the teacher.  There are forms to fill out and school supplies to bring.  If you have these things too, be organized and have a plan.  When I taught 3rd grade my students left all their supplies at their desk and we put them away together on the first day of school since much of what they had stayed in their desk.  For kindergarten I do community supplies so I wanted to have them put away or in use by the first day.  I use labels and bins to have the students and parents divide up their supplies.  This makes it much easier for me to put away and get ready before Monday.  I also had all the necessary forms and papers for each student already in a packet with their name on it sitting on their desk.  Last, I had a little scavenger hunt on the desk for the students to do to help them get acquainted with the classroom.  This helped to keep each family busy so that I could go around and meet everyone without having everyone waiting on me.  Here is the scavenger hunt I used last year from Little Kindergarten Warriors:

You can also find more Meet the Teacher ideas from my Pinterest Board.  Just click the picture below to see what else I've been thinking about doing.

4.  Choose your Attitude
This may actually be the most important of them all.  Adults and kids alike can tell a lot from a person's attitude or even the look on your face.  Despite how long your to do list is, how many meetings you still have to sit through when you have a million other things you could be doing, how nervous or scared you are for the start of school - dig deep and set it all aside.  Choose to be excited, friendly and loving and you will make a great first impression and leave them all wanting more!

Thank you Sara for allowing me this opportunity to share my thoughts and ideas with your readers.  I would love for you to come and visit me at Teaching in Blue Jeans for more ideas, tips, occasional ramblings and freebies!

Amy, THANK YOU for swapping blogs with me today! I had SUCH a blast having you here and hope that everyone else enjoyed the post, too!

Head over to Amy's blog to see my guest post on her blog!

See y'all tomorrow for Monday Made It! :)
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