So, Denise from Sunny Days in Second Grade has been doing a linky called "My Truth Monday." I haven't participated up until this point, but I LOVED the idea of the linky and read each week recently. You find out a lot about your blogging buddies in linkies like this!!
Anyways, although it's Tuesday, I'm going to still participate in the "My Truth Monday" from yesterday.
The topic for this "My Truth Monday" was called One Little Word. With the new year coming up, many people set resolutions.. myself included. But, the idea behind it is to come up with just ONE word that is going to define your entire year. Yup, just one little word for all 365 days. Welp, my One Little Word is…
My One Little Word is to "live." I haven't been living my life recently as I'd like to. I put a lot into work and not a lot into myself and my relationships. I've given up a lot of my hobbies because I "don't have time." I'm continuously getting sick because I'm not taking care of myself. I don't talk to as many friends as I used to. I come home and lay down on the couch and fall asleep. Well, this upcoming year & second half of the school year, I'm MAKING time for my hobbies and my relationships and for just ME in general! I'm going to find time to read every night. I'm going to find time to hang out with my family and friends near me. I'm going to find time to watch that TV show I've been wanting to watch. I'm going to spend LESS time on Facebook and more time in "real life."
I'm going to LIVE.
What is your One Little Word??
Head on over and link up with Sunny Days in Second Grade. If you don't have a blog, I'd still love to know your word! Leave a comment below or on Denise's blog.
See y'all soon!