Tuesday, December 31, 2013

One Little Word: LIVE.

So, I guess I lied in my last post… sorry!! Life got busy again and I was back in my "rut" of work, sleep, work, sleep. I do intend to change that all around after I've had this winter break to rejuvenate and realize some things!

So, Denise from Sunny Days in Second Grade has been doing a linky called "My Truth Monday." I haven't participated up until this point, but I LOVED the idea of the linky and read each week recently. You find out a lot about your blogging buddies in linkies like this!!

Anyways, although it's Tuesday, I'm going to still participate in the "My Truth Monday" from yesterday.
The topic for this "My Truth Monday" was called One Little Word. With the new year coming up, many people set resolutions.. myself included. But, the idea behind it is to come up with just ONE word that is going to define your entire year. Yup, just one little word for all 365 days. Welp, my One Little Word is…
My One Little Word is to "live." I haven't been living my life recently as I'd like to. I put a lot into work and not a lot into myself and my relationships. I've given up a lot of my hobbies because I "don't have time." I'm continuously getting sick because I'm not taking care of myself. I don't talk to as many friends as I used to. I come home and lay down on the couch and fall asleep. Well, this upcoming year & second half of the school year, I'm MAKING time for my hobbies and my relationships and for just ME in general! I'm going to find time to read every night. I'm going to find time to hang out with my family and friends near me. I'm going to find time to watch that TV show I've been wanting to watch. I'm going to spend LESS time on Facebook and more time in "real life."

I'm going to LIVE.

What is your One Little Word??

Head on over and link up with Sunny Days in Second Grade. If you don't have a blog, I'd still love to know your word! Leave a comment below or on Denise's blog.

See y'all soon!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

What's Your Schedule?! Linky

I'm baaaaaaaack! Yup, I'm done with my hiatus as I was getting my life situated being a new teacher! There are a TON of things that they don't tell you throughout your 4 years of college to GET your degree, but thank goodness I have the most awesome mentor and team teacher to help me get through the daily struggles and triumphs! :)
I'm back and starting out with a linky that Susan from TGIF! - Thank God It's First Grade! has started! It's called "What's Your Schedule?" Well, my schedule is NUTS. Check it out below & then check out the different things I've got to say about it below... trust me, you'll have quite a bit to say. :)

*I teach at a private school, so I am the religion teacher for my own class. We also attend mass as an entire school on Fridays.
*During morning work, students are working on math and language arts topics. This is to help reinforce different skills that we will learn/have learned throughout the year.
*Our school day officially starts at 7:50 with morning assembly. All students and teachers (for the entire school) fit in the gym to have our morning announcements and our prayers for the day. We also recite our mission statement for the school.
*We have 7 specials throughout the week, PE being one of them every day.
*Lunch is from 11:30 (supposed to be 11:35) to 11:55 and then recess is from 11:55 to 12:20. This all depends on which class gets to the lunch room and when.. we DO have duty free lunchtime so that we can eat our lunches, but we have to stand duty at recess.
*I am the science teacher for 3rd grade while my teaching partner is the SS teacher. We have SS and Science for 30 minutes a day, three days a week.
*During our reading block on Mondays, we have basal readings and discussions and then reading groups on Tuesday and Wednesday. Friday, reading is for any sort of testing - fluency, comprehension, etc.
*Spelling and Grammar I count separate from my reading time as we focus solely on those skills - we give a grammar and spelling test weekly at my school.
*Our official school day goes from 7:50 to 2:50. We walk our kids out (the third grade does..) at 2:45 to carpool - we do NOT have bussing... parents have to pick up their kids or they go to after school care. 
*Teachers are contractually supposed to be there 7:30 to 3:30, but I get to school at 6:45 and leave around 3:30 to 4:00.
*On Tuesdays, we have our staff meeting from 3:30 to about 4:30. On Wednesdays, I am one of the "advisors" for Computer Club which is after school from 3:00 to 4:30. 

So yup, that's my weekly schedule! It's rough, but we get it all done :)

Do we have any similarities in our schedules? Differences? I'd love to know!
Head on over to Susan's blog and let us know what YOUR schedule looks like!

See y'all next time!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Classroom Friendly Supplies

Hey y'all!

I know it's been a little while since I've posted, but I'm here to tell y'all real quick about this sharpener I received! I'm sure you all have heard of it, but it's called The Quietest Classroom Pencil Sharpener by Classroom Friendly Supplies. I received the green one, as well!

This pencil sharpener is great. While it takes a little while to crank it versus an automatic sharpener, it does make one of the SHARPEST pencils I've ever seen.

The downside to this... my students poking themselves!

Regardless, it sharpens well. I did have trouble, though, figuring out how to use it at first. Once you figure it out, though, it becomes easier.

The pros:
-SHARP pencils
-Easy for students to use
-Small and compact enough to fit anywhere in the room

The cons:
-Cannot figure out the anchor to anchor it to a desk (no directions) - therefore, I have to hold it with one hand and crank with another
-Takes quite a while to sharpen pencils (especially a lot of pencils)
-Learning curve to use it (for those not so mechanically inclined...)

Otherwise, I think it's a great sharpener and it's worth the investment... just be prepared & warned on the length of time you may be sharpening pencils!

Have a good day, y'all!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

B2S Sale at TPT & a Potential *Freebie*

Hey y'all!

I know it's been a while since I've blogged, but I've been busy decorating, organizing, crafting, creating, organizing, and MORE organizing!

Tomorrow is our LAST day to get our rooms ready before kiddos come on Monday so I've kicked it into high gear and will be going in on a Sunday to prep and make sure all is well for our first day!

I'm sure you have heard - the BIG B2S Sale is happening at TeachersPayTeachers THIS Sunday and Monday (tomorrow, it starts!).

So, fill up your carts now so you can be ready to buy with the discount code of BTS13 tomorrow, giving you an extra 10% off of the already hundreds of sales that will be happening.

Specifically, in my store, you will receive 20% off. Add in the other 10% from TPT themselves and you'll get a total of THIRTY, yes, 30% off!! How awesome.

But remember, use that code: BTS13 and don't be like me and forget to use it! :)

One more thing... THE POTENTIAL FREEBIE!!

A couple bloggers and I have joined together to participate in a B1G1 type sale.

Ms. Wainwright from The Diary of a Not So Wimpy Teacher has started a FANTASTIC deal of sorts, but it is unique.
If you purchase my Landform Poster Pack and Activities Unit at the sale this weekend, not only will you receive that pack, BUT you will also receive my Making Words - Yearlong Activities pack (a $2.50 value for free)!
Awesome, huh!? But, in order to do so, you MUST purchase the Landform pack first and then download the Making Words pack IMMEDIATELY.

To do this, on the page after the cover page (2nd page), there is a LINK and a PASSWORD. First, you must click on the link. Once you do that, then you will enter a password. You will be able to download the Making Words pack for FREE, BUT again, only for the duration of this sale!

So, now's the time to purchase my baby - the Landform Pack - before it's too late to get the freebie attached to it - Making Words - Yearlong Activities!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
I hope y'all enjoy the sale & find lots of goodies!

I'll be back sometime this week to reveal my classroom :) I promise!

Happy shopping, y'all!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

It's Finally Here!

It's here, it's here!! The Teacher Smart magazine is finally here!

You may be wondering whaaaat? What's that?! Well, it's a FANTASTIC magazine for the Back to School season. It is a compilation of must-have items for B2S that has been put together by some AMAZING teacher bloggers.

The credits really go to April from A Modern Teacher & Melanie from Schoolgirl Style for putting it together, but there are a bundle of other great bloggers that helped by providing their must haves for the school year... including me!

Check it out below by scrolling through with the arrows or click on the cover itself (not the arrow) to be taken to full screen!!

BUT WAIT: Once you click through, also remember to click on specific items that may be of interest to you! Each item leads to a link specifically for that product so that you may purchase it :) cool, huh?!

Also, each blogger's picture is hyperlinked.. feel free to go find some new bloggers you might want to follow! I know there are some fantastic, fantastic teachers in this magazine and you would LOVE to follow them all. They all have great ideas and are as sweet as can be ;)
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Oh, and here's the cover should you want to pin this fantastic resource! I know I sure did simply so I could remember the fantastic items that are included :)
Have a good day y'all!

PS. My classroom is coming along nicely! I cannot wait to show y'all the befores & afters :)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Wishlist Sale {#1} - 35% Off Today Only!

Welcome to the Back to School Wishlist Sale! It will run from July 31st to August 4th.

Each day, a new product will be featured from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM  and it will be 35% for that day only! So, grab it while ya can because you won't see the price on these this low again for a LONG time!!

I'm going from my #5 most wish-listed product to my #1 most wish-listed product. Who knows, maybe one of the FIVE products will be something you've had your eye on!

Today's wish-list sale product:

My Landform Poster Pack & Activities Unit is 35% off today, August 4th.

This is a unit of 20+ days of activities. Included in this pack are also posters for 16 different landforms: archipelago, beach, canyon, cave, glacier, hill, island, lake, mountain, plains, plateau, pond, river, valley, volcano, and waterfall. EVERY activity in here comes in both COLOR and in BLACK/WHITE. At the end, there is a resource page with a variety of resources to incorporate into your landform unit beyond what I have provided in this pack. I'll be honest, this pack is my baby! It's CHOCK-FULL of stuff!
So, head on over to my TPT store and pick up my Landform Poster Pack & Activities Unit today for 35% off, which makes it only $4.50!!

Go, hurry!

Finally, check out the sales going on at the other fabulous bloggers' blogs that are participating in the sale, too! They're doing something similar... maybe the same percentage, maybe not! Head on over to check them all out:
Flying into First Grade  First Grade and Flip Flops  

Thanks for enjoying this week with us. We've all had a BLAST doing this!

PS. Thank you to Tamara for this fantastic idea!! Love you, friend!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Wishlist Sale {#2} - 35% Off Today Only!

Welcome to the Back to School Wishlist Sale! It will run from July 31st to August 4th.

Each day, a new product will be featured from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM  and it will be 35% for that day only! So, grab it while ya can because you won't see the price on these this low again for a LONG time!!

I'm going from my #5 most wish-listed product to my #1 most wish-listed product. Who knows, maybe one of the FIVE products will be something you've had your eye on!

Today's wish-list sale product:

My Monster Themed Coupon Set is 35% off today, August 3rd.

This is a set of 32 monster themed coupons! Some of the coupons include eat with the teacher and four friends, bring in a stuffed animal for the day, sit at the teacher's desk for the day, no homework, and so on! They can be used for reward of good behavior, turning in homework on time, and so forth.
So, head on over to my TPT store and pick up my Monster Themed Coupon Set today for 35% off, which makes it only $1.30!!

Go, hurry!

Finally, check out the sales going on at the other fabulous bloggers' blogs that are participating in the sale, too! They're doing something similar... maybe the same percentage, maybe not! Head on over to check them all out:
Flying into First Grade  First Grade and Flip Flops  

See y'all tomorrow for my #1 most wish-listed item! :)

PS. Thank you to Tamara for this fantastic idea!! Love you, friend!

You're Looking at The New 3rd Grade Teacher!!

That's right!!!!!


It is a 3rd grade position at a school that I absolutely FELL IN LOVE WITH when I was doing my Master's project. I love the staff, the students, the parents, and everything about this school.

As a first year teacher, I am nervous, excited, anxious, and scared, but overall, I am just happy! I found my home and cannot wait to start and get everything together... y'all do not know how excited I am!

Stay tuned... classroom pictures & ideas to come :)

Have a great day, y'all!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Wishlist Sale {#3} - 35% Off Today Only!

Welcome to the Back to School Wishlist Sale! It will run from July 31st to August 4th.

Each day, a new product will be featured from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM  and it will be 35% for that day only! So, grab it while ya can because you won't see the price on these this low again for a LONG time!!

I'm going from my #5 most wish-listed product to my #1 most wish-listed product. Who knows, maybe one of the FIVE products will be something you've had your eye on!

Today's wish-list sale product:

My Making Words - Yearlong Activities is 35% off today, August 2nd.

This is an 80+ page packet of making words activities! Students highlight the vowels, cut out the letters along the bottom of the page, and then use them to figure out and arrange a variety of words. Each page allows for 27 different words. Of course, you can have them flip over the paper to make more than 27 words. There is also a "SECRET" word for each page, which is listed in an answer key at the back. I did NOT include an answer key for words that could be made with each page, as there are quite a bit!
So, head on over to my TPT store and pick up my Making Words - Yearlong Activities today for 35% off, which makes it only $1.60!!

Go, hurry!

Finally, check out the sales going on at the other fabulous bloggers' blogs that are participating in the sale, too! They're doing something similar... maybe the same percentage, maybe not! Head on over to check them all out:
Flying into First Grade  First Grade and Flip Flops  

See y'all tomorrow for my #2 most wish-listed item! :)

PS. Thank you to Tamara for this fantastic idea!! Love you, friend!

August Currently!

I BROKE A BLOGGY RULE!! I blogged twice today... oopsie. BUT, I couldn't wait to join Farley for her Currently party!
I've missed out on the last few so I wanted to make sure I got in on this one, especially so I could check out the other B2S must haves :)

But, before I begin, I wanted to do a mini shout out to my brother...
I  am so proud of the man you have become and I'm so happy to be able to call myself your sister. You're just as much my brother even though we're not "related" and I cannot imagine my life without ya!! Have a BLAST today and I'll see ya soon!

Here's my August Currently!
I'm obsessed with HGTV again. I wasn't for a while but now I'm back at it again! Been watching marathons of House Hunters, Love It or List It, and so forth.

Since I'm done with school, I've now got TONS of free time!! So, on vacay next week, you better believe I'm doing some personal reading and chilling by the pool ALL. DAY. LONG.

To go with loving, I'M DONE WITH THE SEMESTER!! I hated this semester... I don't feel like I learned ANYTHING. Frustrating but you gotta do what you gotta do to get the grade sometimes.

I really love the beach. It's my favorite place in the entire world. The fact that we're a little less than an hour from the beach is fantastic, but it's the getting there that stinks.

As a fresh-out-of-college kiddo, I would love to find my forever home at a fantastic school. I've gone on a few interviews and just reaaaaally want to find where I'm supposed to be :)

B2S Must Haves:
Blue Sky Planner - I love my BSP sooo much. It's small enough BUT big enough for all the things I have to write down. It's "half" the size of a normal planner, but I still love it. Here's a link to BSP and to the exact planner I have: Dabney Lee Horizontal Weekly Planner by Blue Sky
Post It Notes - who doesn't love Post It Notes? You can put them on anything, they help me stay organized, and they come in such pretty colors. I think this is my favorite Post It Note holder with notes in it: Post It Pop-up Notes Apple Shaped Dispenser
InkJoy Pens - I love these pens. They come in such fun, bright colors and they write so smoothly. And they seem to last forever! I use them for everything that I do and will always use them for as long as they are made. Here's a link to check them out: Paper Mate InkJoy Pens

Go link up with Farley for Currently, too! I'd love to check out what's currently going on with you ;)

Don't forget the Wishlist Sale is happening, too!! Check out the sale by clicking the picture below.
See y'all tomorrow for the #3 most wishlisted item!
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