I'm back and starting out with a linky that Susan from TGIF! - Thank God It's First Grade! has started! It's called "What's Your Schedule?" Well, my schedule is NUTS. Check it out below & then check out the different things I've got to say about it below... trust me, you'll have quite a bit to say. :)
*I teach at a private school, so I am the religion teacher for my own class. We also attend mass as an entire school on Fridays.
*During morning work, students are working on math and language arts topics. This is to help reinforce different skills that we will learn/have learned throughout the year.
*Our school day officially starts at 7:50 with morning assembly. All students and teachers (for the entire school) fit in the gym to have our morning announcements and our prayers for the day. We also recite our mission statement for the school.
*We have 7 specials throughout the week, PE being one of them every day.
*Lunch is from 11:30 (supposed to be 11:35) to 11:55 and then recess is from 11:55 to 12:20. This all depends on which class gets to the lunch room and when.. we DO have duty free lunchtime so that we can eat our lunches, but we have to stand duty at recess.
*I am the science teacher for 3rd grade while my teaching partner is the SS teacher. We have SS and Science for 30 minutes a day, three days a week.
*During our reading block on Mondays, we have basal readings and discussions and then reading groups on Tuesday and Wednesday. Friday, reading is for any sort of testing - fluency, comprehension, etc.
*Spelling and Grammar I count separate from my reading time as we focus solely on those skills - we give a grammar and spelling test weekly at my school.
*Our official school day goes from 7:50 to 2:50. We walk our kids out (the third grade does..) at 2:45 to carpool - we do NOT have bussing... parents have to pick up their kids or they go to after school care.
*Teachers are contractually supposed to be there 7:30 to 3:30, but I get to school at 6:45 and leave around 3:30 to 4:00.
*On Tuesdays, we have our staff meeting from 3:30 to about 4:30. On Wednesdays, I am one of the "advisors" for Computer Club which is after school from 3:00 to 4:30.
So yup, that's my weekly schedule! It's rough, but we get it all done :)
Do we have any similarities in our schedules? Differences? I'd love to know!
Head on over to Susan's blog and let us know what YOUR schedule looks like!
See y'all next time!

No library? I'm so sad:( Guess your classroom teachers have to have really awesome classroom libraries!
ReplyDeleteMrs. Brown Loves Bookworms
I also teach in a private (Catholic) school. What reading and math series do you use? Religion series? I am always curious. My schedule is crazy, but not as crazy as yours! Thank you for sharing, as I like to see other ways to arrange all the pieces. :)
Wow! I can't imagine having a schedule that is so different from day to day! You go girl!
ReplyDeleteOther than Library once a week and Tech Apps every other week- our schedule is the same all week long! I need that routine and so do my kiddos!
Thanks for sharing- this has been a fun linky to be a part of!
Katie :)
KTP: Keep Teaching and Planning!
I am beginning to put my resume together to apply at a private school (not religious based). I'd love to get your input.
ReplyDeleteI hope all is well. You know where to find me if you just need to vent :)
My Second Sense