Dang it! I'm late to linking up with Holly AGAIN. I promise you all that I absolutely WILL get it right and WILL link up on a Tuesday.
Anyways... time for Tried it Tuesday with Holly from Fourth Grade Flipper!

I decided to try some kind of organizational system for my Project Life cards since I have just about every set there is that you can buy currently.
You don't know what Project Life is? Well... click here to read all about it. I have decided that I am literally going to get rid of EVERY SINGLE OTHER CRAFT item I have that I intended to use for scrapbooking and focus on and utilize only this method of scrapbooking - you only need the cards, pictures, a binder, and photo pocket pages, and a pen - then you're done. Easy, simple, and no embellishments or extra long amounts of time spent crafting needed.
The thing about PL is that you do a layout a week - so, you'd do a layout for April 8-15 this week... document on cards what has happened and print out pictures (as few or as many as you'd like) and insert them into your pocket pages. Then, onto the next week.
If you have no patience or no craftiness (even though you think you might like I think I do... hahahaha), Project Life might be the way to go!
By the way... if you share my obsession... you jumped on the train and bought the two kits that were debuted on the HSN specials on like March 30th or something along those lines - the Jade and the Blush kits. The following pictures are of cards from the JADE kit (just so you know so in case you want to purchase... you know which kit they are from).
Anyways... I needed some kind of way to store my PL cards rather than in bulky boxes or simply in photo boxes where I can't see what each card looks like.
So, tada! Let's store them in the binders, inside the photo pages, each card design in it's OWN POCKET so I can see what cards I have and how many I have of each card left. That way, I can use one of this card and one of that card and another of that one and this one... instead of using ALL the same designs and realizing this AFTER I finish journaling.

Here's the binder that everything fits into. It's a typical 2 inch D-Ring binder.

First page has the beginning and ending filer cards in the middle. Each kit comes with 8. These are just cards that make your beginning and end look beautiful :) On the top and bottom row are just 3x4 cards that come with the kit. Each 3x4 card set is in a 4x6 pocket, making a total of 10 3x4 cards fit in a single pocket (5 cards side by side).

This is continued throughout the book. I didn't want to stretch out the true 3x4 pockets so I stuck them in the 4x6 pockets and they fit FANTASTICALLY. Hi, Socks!

What I do like about this method is that what you see above on the RIGHT is what you see below on the LEFT. I like this method of storing because I can see both the fronts and backs of the cards without having to take them out of photo boxes and mix them all up and flip them over and blah blah blah. Save myself some sanity!

Then, the bi-fold cards & the 4x6 cards fit perfectly in the 4x6 slots as you can see in the picture above and below.

Finally, because the pack came with so many pages, I was able to just stick them into my binder and I'm able to fill them as I go, ALONG with keeping the kit in the binder, too. What a cool way to keep everything all in one place?
SO, I tried it. How do I feel about it?
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this organizational system... even though it does take up my pocket pages. But, who is to say I cannot buy more? I think it gives me a clear view of the cards I have and don't have... the designs and layouts that go together and that do not go together, and if a friend needs or wants some cards, I can grab a stack and go.
Also, since ALL the cards for ONE kit are in ONE binder, I can grab this single binder and go - to a crop, to a meeting, to my craft room desk, wherever. I don't have to carry a photo box, the binder, pocket pages, pens, paper, embellishments, etc. I just grab the binder, pictures, and a pen and I am SET.
How do YOU organize your crafty things? What have you tried that succeeded? What have you tried that did not succeed?
Link up with Holly's Tried It Tuesday!
Have a good day, y'all! :)

I need to simplify my scrapbooking obsession that I really don't have time for!! I have a ton of supplies but rarely take the time to do it (especially now with blogging!). I love this idea! Although, I don't know if I am ready to give up all my scrapbooking stuff yet:( It's a social thing too. haha! Thanks so much for linking up sweetie:)
Fourth Grade Flipper
I love Project Life and have been using it since Becky started with Project 365. I store my cards the same way, except ALL cards are in one binder because I mix and match depending on my mood or the pictures:)
The Resourceful Apple