Hey all! This is my first time joining Amanda & Stacia over at Collarboation Cuties for their weekly Must-Read Mentor Text Linky!
This week, the subject area that we're linking up with is science. Me being the Science teacher at our school in the 3rd grade, I love Science! I love finding new books to help support the curriculum.
While we're no longer on soil/resources (now we're on space.. woohoo!!), I have a great mentor text to share with you.
It's called Dirt: The Scoop on Soil by Natalie M. Rosinsky.
This book is a GREAT book for students to help them get a "closer look" at the different types of soils out there, along with what you can use different types of soil for in your every day life.
The Amazon description is as follows:
Discusses the nature, uses, and importance of soil and the many forms of life that it supports.
While the description is very short, it's a simple book that can help supplement the discussion of soils in your classroom. We first looked over the different types of soil in our textbook. This made it difficult for my students because the textbook is written on a higher level than our grade level. While quite a few understood the differences between soil types, the DIRT book above helped drill those into their brains so that my students knew the difference when it came to assessment time.
Here are a few pages of the book:
So that's it! Here's my mentor text memo for Dirt: The Scoop on Soil.
What kinds of mentor texts do YOU use in your classroom for your science instruction?
I can't wait to check out the linky for some more ideas!

What a cute book!!! When I taught third we did soul as well but I didn't have a cute book to use! I'm so glad you linked it up because I've never seen it! Love it! Thanks for linking up friend! Have a great week!