Technically, our last day of school was Friday… but that was a 2 hour day and I had 9 of my 22 show up, so I'm counting Thursday as the last day.
Knowing that our last day was approaching, I had to come up with some ideas for end of year gifts for my kiddos.
This class was my first class and I truly came to know them as "my kiddos." SO, I had to make it a special end of year celebration/good-bye!
I gave them three different gifts. One of them was completely free, except for the paper and ink, but the other two were VERY cheap & easy to assemble.
The first one I gave them was a Wordle, which is a word cloud. You can get to wordle by going to What I love about Wordle is that it's completely customizable - you can choose your fonts, sizes, the way the words are laid out (horizontally or vertically), AND the colors. It's so much fun!
The reason I ended up doing this was because we had done one as a class, too. They each wrote down adjectives about themselves during our "all about me" unit and they typed them up on the computer & printed them out. So, they were familiar with this project and it made it THAT much more special.
Here's an example of one of the Wordles for my kiddos:
I printed the wordles on white paper. Then, I put them on black paper (did NOT glue or anything) and laminated them with my laminator. I initially bought frames and thought they'd fit perfectly but it didn't turn out to work SO I resorted to laminating. I love the way they turned out SO much better. Then, I signed the back saying it was from me - that way, if they pull it out later in life, they'll remember who it's from :)
Then, I purchased this pack from Teaching With a Mountain View's TPT Store.
By FAR one of my FAVORITE purchases ever. The morning of the last day of school, I chose an award for each of my kiddos. The process was difficult since many fit quite a few of the awards, but then I got down to work and it was easy peasy. I'll be honest - they LOVED these babies. They were giggling and clapping for each other and were so excited when their name was called for their awards.
Here's a peak at the awards printed out:
Finally, I was perusing Pinterest (of course) and found this pin from The Crafted Sparrow. It was a link to printable tags that I could put on my summer gifts that were cheap, but fun!
It was a HUGE hit with my kiddos because I chose the blue raspberry kool-aid and some cool crazy straws. They loved it!
Here's a picture of me working on them:
All I used were cellophane bags, the tags printed on white card stock, kool-aid packs, crazy straws, and a stapler. Was very easy to assemble!
Mine had SUCH a blast getting their presents for the end of the year celebration and I hope they truly enjoy them throughout the summer & for years to come!
What do you do for the end of the year for your kiddos? Let me know in the comments below!

We just posted about our end of the year gifts also! We always try to keep it cheap get something from Dollar Tree. This year we did baseballs and bats, and a memory book. Can't beat $1. =)
ReplyDeleteThrills and Frills in First
I agree with cheap! Especially if you have so many kiddos.. gotta do what you gotta do! Thanks for coming by :)