Friday, December 14, 2012

Strength and Courage & Blog Friend Package Swap #2 - Ornaments!

First, I wanted to start this blog post out by saying my thoughts & prayers go out to each and every person involved with the shooting in Connecticut today. I can honestly say that the teachers and staff members that had to protect their students are my heroes. The amount of courage it took by the staff members and students at the school was astounding. The strength of each person to go through such a situation is also astounding. I hope that each family finds the peace that they deserve & all my love goes to each and every person.

To those that responded, the emergency services, thank you. Your strength and courage also astounds me. It warms my heart to know that there are such great people out there willing to drop EVERYTHING to help others at a moments notice. Prayers and love go to each and every one of you, too.

On another note, Autumn over at "Mrs." in the Making set up this great swap. Each time she does these swaps, there's a new theme. Welp, this time around it was an ornament swap! How cool, right?!

I was partnered with Lindsay from Life as Lindsay. She was one sweet gal and sent me SO much more than I could have ever asked for.

First, I got this gorgeous Joy ornament. There were two ornaments, the other said "Cheers!" but it broke on the way to me... so it really said "heers!" - therefore, I couldn't put it up. But I'm in LOVE with the Joy ornament!

She also sent cute socks. Cannot wait to wear them around the house.

And she also sent a set of lipgloss by ELF. I love ELF products. They are perfect!

And as if I wasn't already spoiled enough, she also sent another package. BUT, I chose to keep it wrapped and will open it on Christmas. I cannot wait to see what is inside! :)

Lindsay, thank you SO much for everything. I love everything you got me and cannot wait to be surprised come Christmas for the last item you sent!!

Have a good night, y'all.


  1. I have never heard of elf products. Those lip glosses look so fun. I love the ornaments too.
    I couldn't agree more with you, about the shootings. How horrific.

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog if you would like to check it out.

    The Hive

  2. Hey there, I am sorry to hear your other ornament broke :( I am glad you liked your gifts, I had fun shopping for you! Thanks for my gifts also, so sweet of you! I really liked that you saved one for Christmas, hope you like it!!! Merry Christmas!



I love love love receiving comments. I read each and every one of them! I also will try to respond to each one.. either on here or through e-mail! LOVE YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART <3

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