Saturday, August 18, 2012

Saturday Challenge

I'm linking up this Saturday with the Saturday Challenge at Artsy Anthropology. Click the picture below to head to the post & link up, too!

Artsy Anthropology

Today I challenge you to...

1. Say something nice about 2 different people that you've met through blogging, shop ownership, etc.

2. Do something nice for a complete stranger, doesn't have to be big or expensive.

3. Say something good about yourself.

4. Be thankful for something.

5. Do something that scares you, that you've been putting off, or that you normally wouldn't do because other people think it's "not like you."


1. Say something nice about 2 different people that you've met through blogging, shop ownership, etc.
So, I met Brian not too long ago. I've been following him for a while on Facebook and his blog, Hopkins' Hoppin' Happenings, but recently just got to know him. Brian is probably one of the hardest working, nicest, caring man I have ever met. It's almost like he doesn't do anything for HIMSELF, but rather, for others as long as they end with a smile on their face. I suggest you get to know him.. he's the best! Another person I've met is Kate. Her and I hit it off as soon as we started following one another! To go along with that, she's also an Ohioan like myself AND we've got much more in common than just that. Kate is honest, caring, and sweet, just like Brian, and she'll also help you out anytime you need to - a drop-everything-and-help kind of girl! She has a blog, too; EduKate & Inspire. She actually just started her TPT store not too long ago and has come up with some AMAZING products - I hope that you'll check her out, as well!

2. Do something nice for a complete stranger, doesn't have to be big or expensive.
I try to do something nice for someone each and every day. Today, I was in Hobby Lobby and saw a mother trying to carry paper, push her cart, and carry her sleeping toddler, all in one step. I offered to hold her papers while she readjusted herself to get more comfortable so she could shop. The smile on her face was unbelievable, that a complete stranger would take notice that she was uncomfortable and offered to help. Not only did it make her happy, but it made me happy being able to help someone in such a little, but big, way!

3. Say something good about yourself.
This is hard for me. I hate complimenting my own self in fear of sounding arrogant. But, I believe that I have grown through my years at college into a beautiful, young woman. I feel that I have a great head on my shoulders and that I can do anything I put my mind to - that's a big deal to me!

4. Be thankful for something.
I am thankful for old friends. I have recently reconnected with a few old friends and I am SO happy that I did. These two women and I were best friends all through elementary and middle school, up through the beginning of high school until some falling outs. BUT, nonetheless, I'm happy that I chose to contact them and have dinner - it was probably the best night I have had in a VERY long time.

5. Do something that scares you, that you've been putting off, or that you normally wouldn't do because other people think it's "not like you."
Something that I've been putting off... eating healthy and exercising. I have NEVER really worked out in my life, so I am incredibly out of shape. I keep saying, "I'm going to work out. I'm going to work out. I'm going to work out." but it never happens - I'm just too lazy and have NO motivation. BUT, I have finally found something that I can do, walk. Granted, it's not going to make a huge difference off the bat, but I've got to start somewhere. I also love sweets waaaaaaaay too much, so I need to ween myself off them, slowly but surely. I think someone should come up with some healthy foods that taste like candy... it would be perfect <3 Anyway, I vow to start working out and eating healthier to become a better me & be more comfortable in my skin!

Your turn - go accept the Saturday Challenge!

Have a good night, y'all!


  1. What a terrific idea! (And I love the pin-up pirate chick, too....) I'm with you on the grandfather was an avid walker I credit that for his staying so healthy - he's now 96!

    Mrs. Allen’s 5th Grade Files

    1. Isn't that adorable, Corrina! I hope to live to 96 - your grandfather was a strong man, that's for sure!


  2. First off, your blog is adorable! Second, yay and welcome to the Saturday Challenge! I am totally with you on the whole exercising thing, my issue isn't sweets (okay well yes, that's one issue), but more for me is the salty foods... yummy - also the fact that I'm lazy...


    1. Hi, Paige! Thanks for coming by :) I had fun doing the Saturday Challenge! It made me think actually... and I love the salty/sweet combo so I'm right there with you!


  3. Aww thank you so much for the compliments-- you are too kind! I am so glad to have "met" you through blogging this summer and hope we can meet in real life soon!

    EduKate and Inspire

    1. Of course, Kate! And we'll meet up during the Ohio Blogger (which details are coming)! :)



I love love love receiving comments. I read each and every one of them! I also will try to respond to each one.. either on here or through e-mail! LOVE YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART <3

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