Tuesday, June 26, 2012

tried it tuesday: bayou fish house

Hi guys! It's the second Tried It Tuesday of the SUPER SUMMER SCHEDULE!! I only have about two weeks left in Cincinnati, so Kristin and I decided the next two Tuesdays would be dedicated to new restaurants we want to try. Last week, as you know, we went to Pit to Plate. Well, this week, we went to Bayou Fish House in Newport, Kentucky! MMMMMMM was it good!

We got to the restaurant and you would not even know that it's a real restaurant - here's the signs outside of the restaurant and the front door (I felt like I was going into someone's house!):

We went inside, and they had possibly the cutest decor a fishy restaurant could have. I didn't take a picture of the quote on the wall, but it was like this:

"The maid quit on us. Clean up after yourself."

This isn't EXACTLY what it said, but I just thought it was too cute! There was another sign that said:

"If you are grumpy, angry, or have a problem, a $10.00 charge will be added to your order."

I LOVE this. It's perfect.

Anyways... here's a few pictures of the decor inside:

If you look at the menu, you can tell that the food is CHEAP. It was $6.95 for a full cod and fries, and then $1.50 for a drink - I paid LESS than $10.00 for my entire meal... including a cupcake :] Below is the cupcake display, my meal, and Kristin's meal - she HAD to try the Bayou Bites (Jalapeños deep fried). She absolutely LOVED them. Below are some pictures:

I absolutely LOVED the fries that came with the meal. They were perfectly crisp, dipped in an awesome batter, and tasted so fresh. They were amazing.

Overall, Bayou Fish House was a great experience (We're 2 for 2 so far!!). I cannot wait to see what next week's adventure brings us... here's a sneak peak - if you're from the Cincinnati area, you probably know this place :]

EDIT: Giveaway going on at Cindy's blog, Primary Reading Party! She's hit 100 followers (jealous!) and is doing a great giveaway. Stop on by, take a look around her blog, and enter her giveaway!

EDIT 2: Heather at Third Grade Is a "Hoot" has reached 50 followers! To celebrate, she's giving away at $20.00 gift card to Amazon! Enter yourself into the giveaway and check out her blog. Good luck!

EDIT 3: Amanda is having a 300 follower giveaway now! She's moving on up :] Stop on by Teaching Maddeness and enter for some great things!!

EDIT 4: If you can't tell by now... I love giveaways!! There'a bother one going on at Sweet Seconds for reaching 200 followers! Go enter!

EDIT 5: Birthday giveaway going on at The Littlest Scholars! Stop on by and enter for your chance to win a $26.00 Amazon Gift Card!!

Have a good night, y'all!


  1. Looks delicious. Speaking of delicious the corn muffin dogs were a hit! My son and I had fun making them right after your post. Thanks!

    1. Ahh, I'm so glad you could enjoy them!! And I'm glad your son liked them.


  2. Replies
    1. Of course! Maybe it'll bring more people to your blog! :]



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