5 for Five linky time! Linking up again with Jenn & Jessica.
Last week... I met only half of my goals - literally HALF. I can explain.... :) (Red goals - did NOT meet, green goals - DID meet.)
1. Write my prospectus for my Masters program.
I did it!! Wasn't until Friday... but I did it.
2. Pack up the boxes from the "green room" and take them over to my unit so everything is in one place for our move.
Okay, I halved this one! I packed everything up.. just never made it over to my unit.
3. Organize my Pinterest boards.
4. Walk once a day for 30 minutes.
No way, José. I failed BIG TIME on this one. I didn't walk ONCE. We'll try again this week.
5. Finish homework up through next Sunday (Oct 28).
Woohoo! I did this! Except.. one of my professors assigned something today that's due Sunday. Soo... technically, I did it!
If you REALLY look, I technically did 2.5 out of 5 goals... so 50%. Not good. SO let's hope for a better week this week! Here's my goals!
1. Walk once a day for 15 minutes.
If I start smaller, maybe it'll be easier??
2. Organize MOST of my Pinterest boards.
I've got to get this done so all my educational stuff is organized, recipes are organized, and so forth! Will be easier when I want to find "that one idea."
3. Research things about mutual funds so I know what I want to sign up for when I go meet with an analyst.
I really need to start saving for my retirement NOW so I'm set THEN. Granted, I'm 22, but I want to start ASAP.
4. Create at LEAST 5 different new products for my TeachersPayTeachers (TPT) store.
I love love love making new resources for others to use in their own classrooms. Nothing makes me more excited than my products being used by students to learn! Pretty cool feeling so I need to continue working on making different things - at least 5 (I'm down 2 already!!).
5. Finish my school work through November 11th.
I want to make sure all my work is finished before we move so I can have time to unpack and get settled in without worrying about work! So, this week, I'm tackling all work that's due November 11th and then next week will be reserved for work through November 25th! I'm on a roll :)
What are you planning to accomplish this week? I'd love to hear about it! Make up a post of your 5 goals and then go link up with Jenn & Jessica!
Have a good day, y'all!

Dear Sara,
ReplyDeleteIf you are interested in some advice on mutual funds, please let me know. I used to be a stock broker and I have an MBA in finance. We are ornament buddies! Yay! Hubby and I are trying to have a beachy themed and white christmas tree. So we are looking for either white or shells or something related to the beach. What are you looking for? Esther Norine Designs
SUPER excited!! Wrote you back on your blog so we could e-mail about this :)
ReplyDeleteGlad you accomplished some of your goals especially the stuff on your Masters!!! I didn't know you are only 22 years old. You are a young squirt. haha I started teaching at 23 and I'm now 33, I feel so old!
Lol that was the most important one to accomplish! But thank you! LOL you're not old! Not even close.
Thanks for linking up! Great job last week, and good luck this week! And I agree that starting small and working up is the way to go with exercise (and any new habit). And good for you looking into mutual funds... I still need to do that!
ReplyDeleteSo happy you linked up with us again! It's awesome that you got the two school related things done and over with-that's gotta give you a peace of mind!
ReplyDeleteYou have some fantastic goals for this week! I broke down my exercise goals too. I started with an hour but this week I'm shooting for 30- hopefully I can do it! I'm inspired by them that's for sure! Can't wait to hear how you did next week!