Today begins my mini-series on the ABCs of Miss V. I am sooo excited to share things with you all about my life. I am going to try my best to be creative - some posts might be sappy, some might be funny, some might be pointless. BUT, it's all about me here :)
I hope you enjoy and PLEASE feel free to do this on your blog, too! I'd love to read all about you so leave a comment telling me either all about you or leave a comment with your blog post about yourself. So happy to have you all along!
So, some of y'all know that I'm dating this handsome man named Cody. So, today's post deals with our anniversary (which was yesterday!!!) and how we met and what all we've gone through since we met 5 years and 1 day ago!
My favorite picture of us. Alabama, Spring 2011
The BEAUTIFUL flowers that showed up at my door yesterday morning by the flower lady. Love love love them.
Like I mentioned above, yesterday was our 5 year anniversary. 5 years ago, I met the most amazing person in my life (aside from my family, of course). We met at a Wayne football game and we were in the student section. I was with some of my friends on one of the upper rows and Cody was standing in front of me with some of my other friends. My friends were goofing off and said they were going to push me down the stands because they knew I was sort of afraid of heights. So, I told Cody that if I fell on him, I apologized and that it wasn't my fault. That got all of us talking and we decided that we were going to go to a haunted trail that night.
So, we went. But, I wasn't the only one after Cody. My best friend was, too. Looking back now, it was hilarious, but at the time, I wasn't happy. I wanted Cody and that was it. So, I was going to get him. Well, best friend and Cody were talking for about a week and then that stopped - welp, I got the sloppy seconds as some would say and Cody and I started talking. Now, I am not afraid to make the first move. I'm fine with showing someone how much I like them... I say what's on my mind! So, Cody and I started talking and everything... about a week in (mind you, we were in high school), I kissed him.
Since that kiss, there's been 2394798734 other kisses, hugs, laughs, smiles, tears, and everything else that comes with an amazing relationship. He is my rock, my life, and I do not see myself with anyone else, ever. He's been there through the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the pretty and the ugly. He's my best friend and I know if I ever have anything I need to talk to him about, he's there. He'd drop anything in a heartbeat to help me and I love that! Cody is my rock and I am so, so happy to have found him.
We really do love each other... I promise ;)
So babe, happy anniversary & I am so happy you chose me out of anyone in this world to be with. Here's to 93487 more anniversaries together aka lots more time to put up with me ;)
High School Homecoming 2008 - his senior year.
High School Homecoming 2008 - his senior year
High School Prom 2009 - his senior year.
High School Prom 2009 - his senior year.
High School Prom 2009 - his senior year.
Put-in-Bay Trip 2008
Pi Beta Phi Sorority Formal 2011
You eat that ice cream, babe! 10 minutes later, it was all down the front of him. Can't take him anywhere...
Spring Break 2012 - Clearwater, Florida
Love you, babe!
See y'all tomorrow for letter B!

A is for ADORABLE!! :) Enjoy those times together when it is just the two of you!! I absolutely love my kiddos, but I have some fun memories of when my hubby and I got to travel on a whim! :)
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Second Grade Smartypants
Katie & Lisen
Thank you, lady! :)
Happy Anniversary! You guys are so adorable!