Hi everybody! I hope you've been enjoying my guest bloggers these past few days. They're all amazing women and I truly believe they have even more amazing blogs and talents. But, I'm back now! :)
I'm going to start something on my blog that I've seen this going around on other blogs. Of course, I'm going to put my own spin on it to make this different. It's called the ABCs of Miss V.
Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (blog schedule permitting), I'm going to post about myself according to the alphabet. So, starting on Tuesday, I'm going to be posting something about me in relation to the letter A. On Wednesday, I'll do the letter B. Thursday, letter C. Allllll the way until I've reached letter Z. I hope that you'll follow along and that each letter will let you know something about me as a person, blogger, daughter, girlfriend, friend, crafter, teacher, student, and so forth.
Question time! Have you ever visited Jenn at Party of One? Or Jessica at Fantastically Average? Yes? You rock. No? You're complete missing out. These two gals got together and decided they wanted to do something called 5 for Five. What it is is you make FIVE goals that you want to accomplish for the next 5 days. I think this a GREAT way to hold myself accountable and to get myself to accomplish FIVE goals weekly. How cool, right?! Make sure you link up for the FIRST ever 5 for Five linky at Jenn & Jessica's blog THIS MONDAY, October 15th!
PS. Don't forget to check the giveaway page often - any giveaways I'm entering in OR giving something away in are on there... you won't want to miss any!
Have a good night, y'all!

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I love love love receiving comments. I read each and every one of them! I also will try to respond to each one.. either on here or through e-mail! LOVE YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART <3